
Writing Workshop


Foreign run school in Taiwan makes unexpected discovery that leads to massive improvements in spoken English

With the Taiwan government’s new policy of working closely with western nations, there will be no shortage of opportunities for Taiwanese in the future who can speak English.

Most English classes in Taiwan focus on grammar rules that children often find boring and pointless. 
Memorizing random vocabulary words that are never applied, endless grammar questions and boring rote rehearsal is NOT the way to learn English.

Hi, I’m Alexandra, founder of  Dreampex Education Studio.  
In my 11 years of teaching children in Taiwan, I realized that the biggest reason kids in Taiwan struggle to learn English is that they aren’t taught to express themselves properly. It is like having a new phone with all the latest gadgets but not knowing how to use it.

To cater to different learning styles, the course was designed to be more fun and engaging to get the students involved.

However they noticed some unexpected side benefits from the students taking the course.

Before they can write, kids have to give ideas and form opinions.  They need to learn how to make choices and think in an abstract way. 

At first the students were apprehensive. They weren’t used to being in an environment where there was no right or wrong answer. Where they could actually voice their own opinion. 
The results were unbelievable. Once we pushed them out of their comfort zone, not only did their writing improve, but it also improved their speaking skills. Now they were able to express themselves more coherently, both in written and spoken form.

  • – Confidently express their opinions on paper and organize their ideas.
  • Utilize the writing process while analyzing various writing topics and genres.
  • – Build their vocabulary and sentence structure to communicate clearly and effectively.
  • – Understand important story elements and apply previously learned concepts to new ideas. 

After registering for the course, each child will be mailed their own Writing Workshop Workbook in full color. They will also be given access to an online classroom where both parents and students can easily access interactive links and participate in online discussions. 

Each week there will be a live 60 minute class and a weekly assignment given. By the end of the 12 weeks, students will have their own portfolio of writing samples to encourage visible learning and track progress.

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The value that our students get from this course isn’t just improving English skills–lots of programs can try to do that. Instead, we are changing your child’s way of thinking, learning and doing.

We are laying a foundation for decision making, confidence and self awareness. 

Through our Writing Workshop, we are  fostering your child’s independence and creativity. The same way that they do in America and other western nations. If we want our children to become better English speakers, we have to teach them the way they do in English countries.